Penetrating Damp

Penetrating Damp is usually caused damaged gutters, over flowing drainage pipes, incorrectly installed windows, down a chimney and balconies that are not properly waterproofed or incorrect waterproofing done. The water then seeps through the walls and causes the dampness. Leaking plumbing can also cause waterproof problems.

Penetrating Dampness Signs

  • Paint bubble on the ceiling or walls.
  • Under the ceilings or on walls you will see damp marks.
  • Watermarks.
  • Discoloration of walls and ceilings.
  • Rotting skirting boards.


Penetrating Dampness Treatment

  • Seal the balcony and the slab using suitable damp proofing materials.
  • Remove all the affected plaster by scraping.
  • Apply damp seal to the affected area.

For more information or a quote please feel free to contact us.

Penetrating Damp   Penetrating Dampness   Penetrating Dampness Treatment

Penetrating Dampness | Penetrating Dampness Treatment | Penetrating Dampness Signs | Damp Proofing | Waterproofing